Conversation lesson
Tutor: Izabel Kophee (USA)
Students: Tereza, Megi, Vedat, Zein (Czech Republic, Turkey, Kazakhstan)
This lesson was a conversation lesson. The task of the lesson was to talk about different
artefacts and what is typical for various cultures. We teleported ourselves to
a place called the Global Village. This place is a special one. In the Global
Village every country of which the students come from to English Village has
their little corner that characterises the specific country. Vedat was from
Turkey so he introduced us to Turkish culture and told us some interesting
things about Turkish spas. The other
student was from Kazakhstan. He was talking about Kazakhstani culture. What
horses mean to Kazakhstani people etc.
Tereza, another student from the Czech
Republic and me were both looking for the Czech corner, but we didn’t find any.
We only found the Czech flag, but that was all. But we were promised by Izzy
that there will be the Czech corner soon…I’m looking forward to it.
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