Lekce psaní na vybraná témata
Učitelka: Iffaf Ling z Británie
Studenti: OlgaTS, Vendy (Evropa, Amerika)
Téma dnešní lekce psaní znělo: „Enviroment“ nebo-li životní
prostředí. Nebylo třeba na nic čekat a ihned jsme mohli začít psát. Rozehřívací
otázka na pár řádek zněla: „Are people
environmentally conscious?“
The answer is definitely no, because they use so many cars
and other vehicle and they are happy that they destroy our envirometally day by
day. It is not good. On the bright side people want to make anything for our
enviroment, for example not to produce so much bad and unhealthy products, but
only when they protect our enviroment, they go to the some meeting about it by
car. I hope people will be aware about it one day.
Tento článek Iffaf ohodnotila jako „ironic“, ale pravdivý.
Dalším tématem se stal tzv. eco warrier = person who protect enviroment (for example
Jako eco warrier bylo naším úkolem argumentovat a stát proti
postavení nové dálnice přes dosud nezničenou přírodu.
„A developer wants to build a motorway through an area of
outstanding natural beauty. What arguments will you use to stop him/her?“
"Oh, it is unbelieveable that someone would want to build
next motorway? There are so many motorway on our planet, that we can travel
accross the world back and forth, but when we want to see some special natural
beauty, we have to travel such a long way. I cannot believe this. I think it is
very stupid idea. You cannot destroy one of the last natural beauty due to some
stupid road which is enough in our world. I suggest repair your existing
motorway when you have so much money! Do not forget nice natural beauty you cannot
buy natural beauty with money."
Další otázka byla opět k zamyšlení a odpovědět na ni
mohl každý po svém. „You think that
global warming is a lie?“
I think that global warming is a big lie, because you do not
have any evidence about it. I believe once day one man said: Wow, it is like
global warming today. I try write some crazy book about it“ And this men earned
so much money, because it was really a big idea, but not true. People was very
exciting when they were knew about this problem that they forgotten that it can not be true!
Lekce psaní byla jako vždy velmi pěkně vedená a lektorce
děkujeme za opravy všech textů.
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