Lekce angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
lesson: Moon landing
Students: Sergey, Maria Lyric,
Destiny Kroll, Lexy Figuera, Kono Svatur (Europe, Asia)
Teacher: Kori Blaisdale (UK)
Landing on the Moon - was it a hoax (fake) or did it really happen?
Kori thinks it was real as you
can see from her comment.
[23:18] Kori
Blaisdale: I've never questioned it
But there are many people who
think it was a conspiracy theory.
[23:11] Kori Blaisdale: What is
the popular moon landing conspiracy
theory (a secret plan made by
powerful people)?
Maybe the government is trying to
trick (to deceive someone, usually it’s a part of a plan) us.
It could have been a part of The Space Race.
[23:21] Sergey: Russians have
never been on the moon – is that true?
[23:21] Kori Blaisdale: What was
the advantage of faking the moon landing?
Well to win The Space Race. This
happen in 60ties…..The time of the cold war…
Maybe to gain an access to
resources on the moon
[23:25] Sergey: it is very
expensive to obtain resources on the moon
We watched this video. The two
guys call themselves Mythbusters
Here are some words used in the
Myth – means
a legend
Bust – to
topography -
the land
a miniature
– a very small copy of an object or in this case the moon
I guess this explains one aspect (a part of something) of the conspiracy theory….
For more on moon landing and
practice your English visit the link below.
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