Event zaměřený na vystoupení
Učitelka: Pebbles Kophee z USA
Studenti: Luar, Tracy, Juan197020, Vendy, Alexon, Eva, Fatima, Eric, Dork, Gianni78 (Evropa, Amerika)
Vždy jednou za měsíc se z klasického drama klubu stane
událost doprovázená vystoupením, tak tomu bylo právě dnes. Každý tady může
předvést své umění, například zpěv, přednést vlastní básničku, recitaci či
jakékoliv jiné vystoupení.
Na začátek jeden z přítomných zazpíval tuto píseň:
„Who kicked a hole in the sky so the
heavens would cry over me? Who stole the soul from the sun in
a world come undone at the seams?
Let there be love
Let there be love
I hope the weather is calm as you sail up
your heavenly stream Suspended clear in the sky are the words
that we sing in our dreams
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love“
Dále Ewa přečetla úryvek z knihy od Hemingwaye:
THE OLD MAN and The SEA is one of Hemingway's most enduring works.
It is the story of an Cuban fisherman,down on his luck,and
his supreme ordeal-a relentless,agonizing battle with giant
marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. confirmed his power and presence in the literary world and played a large part in his winning the 1954 Nobel prize for literature.
Pak jsem já zazpívala moji vlastní, první anglickou písničku:
„If your life is a bad dream
You need a sweet ice-cream.
You should see all your friends,
All friends and also dance.
I can lend you my own,
I can lend you mine,
I can lend you mine.
Singing song, singing song,
You can live the happy life.Singing song, singing song with you,
Singing song singing song for you.
If you feel that money,
Is not enough for you.You should try to eat honey
And telling always truth.
Then go out without shoes
Then go towards clouds
Your trouble will shrink like
Like a piece of clothesLike a piece of clothes.
Singing song, singing song,
You can live the happy life.Singing song, singing song with you,
Singing song singing song for you.
If you need more place for life
You can try some fast drive.
You can go to the end of
The end of your favourite town.
On the way to your friends
You will try brake danceYour problems will be then
Behind high fence
Behind high fence.
Singing song, singing song,
You can live the happy life.Singing song, singing song with you,
Singing song singing song for you.“
Nakonec nechybělo ani představení, jenž se účastnilo celkem
pět studentů, a jednalo o úryvek z pohádky Simba The king Lion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw45nBcWNbQ
Bylo to opravdu skvělé a všichni si to moc užili.

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