Lekce angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
lesson: How to change your outfit
Students: Santi Spot, Dulce
Lastchance, Hanna Lastchance, Alanis Deluxe, Ferny Ashland, Destiny Kroll,
Annel, Stephi Victorin, Sarah, Katrin, Mirzhana Deluxe (Europe, Asia, South and
Central America)
Teacher: Coco Knowledge (UK)
This was a very playful lesson.
This lesson was on the beach. So we changed our outfits and went surfing. Being
an avatar in the English City doesn’t mean that you have to wear the same
clothes all the time. There are stores as in any other city where you can go
and buy clothes. The big advantage is that it’s for free! Also the shops in
English City do not close. And you can shop till you drop (that means you can shop and shop and
shop……and shop some more….) - well
as long as there isn’t a class)
You just need to follow few
rules, so you don’t end up without a head, hair, feet etc. )))
Here is some advice:
You buy and
wear clothing just like you did the skin and shape and hair.
When you buy
SHOES - you must WEAR EVERYTHING inside the folder to make the shoe fit your
SAVE their
Right click
your body - click 'Edit my Outfit"
To the RIGHT
of the save button is an arrow pointing up.
Click this arrow.
Click SAVE
Name the
outfit something you will remember.
We changed our outfits. Some
people went scuba diving, some surfing and some just played beach volleyball.
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