Lekce psaní na zadané téma
Učitelka: Iffaf Ling z Británie
Studenti: Miss, Chagri, Vendy, Marina1977 (Evropa, Amerika)
Jako vždy jsme se ani dnes nezdržovali úvodním povídáním a
ihned jsme přešli k věci. „Write a paragraph about the best holiday you
have ever had“. Pokyny byly jasné, jako vždy: užívat bohaté věci, nešetřit
A jak to mohlo vypadat?
I love holiday!When I was young, I went to holiday with my family. It was really nice and I thought that it could be nothning better that holiday in Italy with my brother and my parents. We bought ice-cream every night, we could have stayed up how long we wanted. Than I met my boyfriend and we were in Italy together, I believed that it was the best. We were a very young loved couple and we wanted to see everything in this place. There were so many beautiful thinkgs. We visited discos, were walking along the sea. When I was pregnant, I thought, that my holiday were at the end, but know i know, that holiday with my son is really really the best! The last year I was in Slovakia with my husband, with my son, with my brother, my parents and it was really nice holiday for me. I can not say, which holiday is best for me, because every of which were so different.
Oprava této práce:
went on holiday to
Jiná ukázka krásného článku:
I spent my best holiday in the coutryside enjoying quiet
atmosphere. It was the best choice from all the available options. First of all
- it's the silence at night. The kind of silence I haven't enjoy for ages. Only
a person who lives in a big and noisy city can appreciate this silence.
Besides, I never take to the country those advanced contraptions like
notebooks, iPads etc. Only one paper book that I read from the beginning to the
end. Whan my holiday is over I feel as if I was born anew.Další úkol: our mission
- push it forward
- descriptive vocabulary
- landscapes
- human emotions
- be as cheesy as you want
„The temperature was really high, but the air was not bad, I
could breath as usuaul. When I were admiring the wild elephants I heard very
strange noise, like somebody screamed to me and asked my last bottle of water
in my rucksack. When I turned round to him, I could see the man in the stylish
and dirty jeep. This car is a perfect contrast of this nature. Like a black cat
in the wedding or so.“
Pak nás čekalo popisování různých přírodních území:
steep incline
causing vertigo
a furnace
absolute zero
Nyní jsme si měli vybrat jednu z následujících oblastí
a popsat dovolenou, jakože jsme tam byli, mohli jsme používat metafory, popsat
pocity a především napsat krátké vyprávění:
Poznáte, která z oblastí je zde popisována?
„The temperature was really high, but the air was not bad, I
could breath as usuaul. When I were admiring the wild elephants I heard very
strange noise, like somebody screamed to me and asked my last bottle of water
in my rucksack. When I turned round to him, I could see the man in the stylish
and dirty jeep. This car is a perfect contrast of this nature. Like a black cat
in the wedding or so. The man was really tired like he was living there for his
whole life. But he need some water why he didn´t know where he could give some
bottle of water? My holiday was over very soon because my water in the bottle
was on the bottom like wine in the successful party.“
Jako poslední úkol jsme si měli přečíst navzájem svoje
články a říct, jak hodnotíme výtvory ostatních a co se nám na nich líbí. Na
základě těchto argumentů jsme si měli vyměnit svoje styly psaní a já jsem měla
za úkol naspat detailně popisný článek, zatímco Chagri si měl zkusit můj styl.
Musím uznat, že nám to moc nešlo, ale byla to zábava.
Lekce byla opravdu velmi skvělá, zábavná a především naučná.
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