12. 6. 2013

Co nového ve světě,

Lekce angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
Výuková hodina v Conversation Restaurant
učitel: Kori Blaisdale (Anglie)
studenti:  Yldz, Yigido, Bensu, Oykum, MBKK, Eeren, Joel, Bensu, Valentina a Stephi  (Turecko, Rusko, Evropa)

Nejprve jsme si povídali o aktuálních událostech ve světě, bohužel nebyly moc pozitivní:
„This week were murdered 4 people  in my country . It was a family with two from Brno
Today is he back in USA and my country ask to extradite.„
Později nás Kori rozdělila do skupin a dala nám za úkol, abychom odpověděli na otázky z Notecardu.
Answer the following questions with your own ideas and write your own, more exciting version of the news story.
1) How old was the youth? The man is nineteen year old.
2) Where did he come from? He come from Litvania.
3) Where was he sentenced? He was sentensed in London.
4) Where did he steal the car from? He steal the car from police station.It was Mercedes.
5) When did he steal the car? Yesterday evening.
6) What kind of car was it? Mercedes
7) What was he doing when the police spotted him?  The police drive very quickly
8) Was he with anyone? Wih a joung girl
9) How many police spotted him? 6 man
10) What did he do when he saw the police?  He drive a quickly.
11) How fast did he drive the stolen car? 300milles
12) How did the police catch him? The police injured him.
13) Did the police catch anyone else connected to the incident? The police catch his complice too. 14) What did the youth say in court That he is innocent and his complice plained the all.
15) What did the judge sat about him? That dont believe him and that he has the verification.
16) Did he get fined for anything ?  yes, he sentenced his for 5 years
17) How long was he sentenced for?

Hodina byla velmi zajímavá, jen někteří studenti měli velmi špatné připojení a nebylo jim dobře rozumět.

Stephi Kroll

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