13. 6. 2013

Summarise the story

Lekce angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
Lekce psaní na zadané téma
Učitelka: Iffaf Ling z Británie
Studenti: Nader, Vendy, Juan197020(Evropa, Amerika)

Dnešním tématem se staly knihy, filmy či popis obsahu jiných děl. Musím uznat, že sumarizovat nějakou knihu může být velká zábava. Jak tedy přesně zněl dnešní první úkol?
„Describe the most recent book you read.“
-          summarise the story

 „I would like to summarise my favourite book in my country. The name of this book is Memento. The main hero is the young boy who life is changed when he tried to take drugs. At first he was really excited about it. He met new friends and his girlfriend. He wanted to be like her, so he tried to take heavy drugs. Suddenly he found out that our life is really stupid when he had to have his drugs instead of sleeping or loving with his girlfriend. Finally, he ended up in hospital for addicted people. He wanted to start again his life, but he did not get his next chance. I feel sorry for him.“

Dalším úkolem bylo napsat tzv. „fiction“, ale před samotným psaním jsme si měli příběh naplánovat, mohlo to vypadat nějak takhle:

1.      Five friends want to gain new experience.

2.      They decide to go on special holiday.

3.      They need a lot of money for it.

4.      They try to kidnap a young girl from a wealthy family.

5.      This girl is not usual.

6.      She has special power.

7.      She makes hell for this people.

8.      Instead of one of them.

9.      He must decide if he want to save her friends or himself.

10.  His decision is bad.

Po tomto kroku následoval výběr, zda-li bude náš příběh:
detective story
fairy tale

Poznáte, který styl je užit v tomto krátkém příběhu?

„It was pretty nice day and five friends decided to go to holiday. They thought that they gain new experience and they will be feel free and happy after that. They planned their holiday every day and they looked forward it like young children. They imagined sun, sand, motorcycling, surfing or cycling. Of course, they found out that money is a big problem. One of the five friends knew pretty wealthy family and they decided to kidnap his really young and cute daughter. They thought it would be easy, they gave them some money and they give them back their daughter. But the situation has changed in one minute. From the cute and nice girl happened angry and crying young woman. He destroyd all what stood in her way. She broke leg one of them and other shook in the corner of the room. The girl binded them to the post and tormented them. But one of them was free and he had to see his friends suffer form pain. Finally he had to make a big decision. He could save his friends or himself. When he saw so cruel young girl, he wanted to be away from that room and he decided to save only himself. His friends were dead and they went to scare him every night to his house. He was really exhausted about it that he died, too.“

Pak jsme zkusili totéž ještě jednou a přitom jsme mohli využít tento užitečný link: http://www.gingersoftware.com/grammarbook/adjectives/lists-of-adjectives/

Disaster story

1.      Three friends are invited to the big party

2.      They are really happy

3.      It will be a party with show of fire and fireworks and alcohol drinks

4.      One of these friends does not feel good

5.      He must go to the toilet

6.      In this time the house begins to be in fire

7.      Friends are not together

8.      One of them can not open the door from the toilet and he is trapped

9.      Three friends never see each other

Summarise of story

I have decided to summarise story that my son loves so much. The main hero is a nice girl with a long gold hair. He loves her love. He fly above the medow every day. She loves animals in the forest where she lives. Her life is absolutely happy and unlimited. But one scary day come a bad mole for her. She must become his wife. Mice cook cake for the wedding and the girl is absolutely upset, like never before. She beggs not to married to him. But he is merciless. Her best friend, swallow is ill. Finally, when swallow is healthy, she helps her and they fly to the other place where sun shines and she meet new friends. She loves to him.

Bohužel čas při psaní hrozně rychle utíká a více už jsme toho nestihli, hodina se mi však velmi líbila a už se těším na další takovou.




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