Lekce psaní na zadané téma
Učitelka: Iffaf Ling z Británie
Studenti: Gianni78, Vendy, Juan197020, Glaucous, Nimet, (Evropa, Amerika)
Prvním úkolem bylo napsat příběh, který bude začínat jednou
z následujících vět:
I'm in love!
I'll never speak to
them again.I've left my job.
We've split up.
Nevíte, kterou větu pro svůj příběh zvolit? Tak si přečtěte
následující různé ukázky textů a sami rozhodněte, který je ten nej:
We've split up.
This was the first sentence I heard when I was travelling on train from my work. Because I was pretty curious, like
everybody in this world, I decided to go to the toilet so that I saw the man.
He was really handsome like a man from the magazine in my handbag. I felt sorry
for him. Suddenly the train stopped and he get out. I could see him from my
opened window. He was so lovely and gentleman. It´s a pity that I wasn´t
single, I thought. Never mind. After a few second I couldn´t believe my own
eyes. A woman with a lot of gifts was waiting at the train station. She seems t
obe enormous happy. They kissed each other the first and then they went buy a
big ice-cream. They were really in love. The train is delayed today more than
five minute, I thought. After a few next second I could see next woman, she was
crying and their ice-cream wasn´t taste like before. Unfortunately my train had
to go just now.
I´ve left my job,
im very surprised, If someone told me that I would end my career here , like it
was end I couldn’t know that. I have worked practicaly a life, y started as a
baser in 1995, and I dedicated all life trying to put my strongs efforts, my
last position was food and beverage manager could you believe me ? I felt my
workplace like my own house, and here I developed strong relationships, here I
meet my actual wife, we lived togheter nices experiences richs in feelings.
I had fallen love
before I graduated. We passed very nice time. She was really a nice person.
When I was in love with her, I felt her everytime even in my breathe. But
unfortunately, later we split up with each another. It was really sad for me. Once
upon a time , I was walking on the 7 streeth with my friends . We heard some noice
at the back of the library.
Další téma se týkalo života a životních změn: „How life goes
getting divorcedhaving a baby
getting married
I zde si každý mohl vybrat dle svého gusta.
How life goes on?
„There a some steps and events in your life which could
change your habits very drastically. They are various such as having a
promotion, winning a lottery or having a baby or also getting married. Well I'd
like to focus in the last one because I'm going to get married after a long
time of relationship with my girlfriend and It could be interesting to share my
impressions. I'd like to start with a word "fear".“
Nakonec jsme končili u oddechového tématu. „Tell us about
your best friend“
When I went to school I had a lot of friends, but time by time
I lost them, because they moved, they changed or their life is completely
different from my. So I have to say that my only best friends is my husband. I
met him when I was 19 and we are together for five years now. I can not believe
my life without him. He is really realiable and hard-worked. He loves people
but he is so assertive. And he wants why he lives in this world. His goals are
so clearly. And I love his practical skills. He is exactly my contrary. = opposite
Dnešní lekce psaní se mi moc líbila, jako obvykle a jsem moc
ráda, že jsem ji navštívila.
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