angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
Výuková hodina v Picnik area
učitel: Elaine Bergan (Anglie)
studenti: Tunahan, Tasan, Joel, Lyra, Nisa, Anibal a Stephi (Turecko, Evropa)
Výuková hodina v Picnik area
učitel: Elaine Bergan (Anglie)
studenti: Tunahan, Tasan, Joel, Lyra, Nisa, Anibal a Stephi (Turecko, Evropa)
Na dnešní
hodině v Zoo jsme měli kreslený příběh chlapce, který si hrál
v obývacím pokoji a basebalovou pálkou. Tento příběh už jsem znala
z předchozí hodiny J.
Tentokrát jsme ale používali ve větách slova SAY a TELL.
nám nejdříve vysvětlila, kdy se používá které sloveso a proč.
SAY something (to someone)
TELL someone (me, you, him, her, us, them) something
SAY something (to someone)
TELL someone (me, you, him, her, us, them) something
Dále nám
poslala Notecard s vysvětlením a příklady. Společně jsme potom doplňovali
ta správná slova.
Anthony says you have a new job. I
said be quiet!
Ram said that he was tired.
My mom said, "Good job!"
She said that she was in a car accident.
Ram said that he was tired.
My mom said, "Good job!"
She said that she was in a car accident.
Anthony tells ME you have a new job. I
told my CHILDREN to be quiet.
Ram told US that he was tired.
She told ME she was angry at me.
My mom told ME I did a good job.
She told US that she was in a car accident.
Ram told US that he was tired.
She told ME she was angry at me.
My mom told ME I did a good job.
She told US that she was in a car accident.
To memorize!
tell a lie
tell a story
tell the truth
tell the future
tell time
tell a story
tell the truth
tell the future
tell time
A. Practice
1. Ann
__says__________ good bye to me
and left.
2. I wonder where Sarah is. She said______ she would be here at 10 o'clock.
3. No, she didn't say anything to me.
4. The doctor said that I should rest for at least a week.
5. Gary couldn't help me. He told me to ask Caroline.
6.My mother told me, that I have to go in time always.
2. I wonder where Sarah is. She said______ she would be here at 10 o'clock.
3. No, she didn't say anything to me.
4. The doctor said that I should rest for at least a week.
5. Gary couldn't help me. He told me to ask Caroline.
6.My mother told me, that I have to go in time always.
Po doplnění
chybějících slov jsme se vrátili k vyprávění kresleného příběhu za použití
SAY a TELL. Bylo velmi zajímavé dívat se na známý příběh jinak a vyprávět ho jinou formou, než předtím J
Stephi Kroll
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