Konverzační hodina
v prostředí Conversation cafe
Učitel: Kori
Blaisdale (USA)
Studenti: Nikolai,
Anatoly, Tracy, Huan, Tomo, Michael, Megi00, Marie
(Evropa, Asie)
Ve druhé scénce se situace obrátila. Já byla zákaznice se
šestiletým synkem, který měl hlad. Po kratší výměně názorů, že nic pro syna
v restauraci nemají, jsem se zdvořile odporoučela s poznámkou, že
jsem v restauraci naposledy.
Bylo to docela zábavné i když z mého pohledu s trochu
nereálným scénářem. V mezičase jsme si povídali s Nikolaiem o
Finsku a Česku.
Slovní zásoba:
Deep and husky voice –
hluboký a chraplavý hlas
Stop gap job –
přechodné zaměstnání
Run away – bless
Unclean cup
Unsanitary table
Incompetent start
Not up to scratch =
not good enough
Pokyny k roli:
It’s your first day
working at the cafe and things are not going well. When you arrived you found
out that the other waiters/waitresses had gone off sick with a stomach bug, they’d
been vomiting all morning. Your manager has told you not to say anything about
that because you will lose customers. Then the chef started to look ill and you
knew you were in trouble. The chef
decided to lock himself in the walk in fridge and give you instructions about
what you could do to prepare the food. He said the virus couldn’t spread from
the fridge, you think he might be crazy! You have been running back and forth
trying to prepare the food and do your job as a waitress/waiter. Now everyone is
complaining. You need the job, but is it worth this much hassle? Decide if you
will tell them the truth or not, but try to resolve the problem first!
You can’t give a
refund, you know you’re not authorised to do that, but it’s really only you
here so whatever solution you come up with will probably be ok.

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