Lekce angličtiny ve
virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
Konverzační hodina
v prostředí Pax and Izzy´s house
Učitel: EPax Resident
Studenti: Gianni,
Ewa, Bobo,Leslie, Joel, Maria (Evropa,
Jižní Amerika)
Tak na tuto hodinu jsem byla velmi zvědavá, protože
v tomto knižním klubu jsem nikdy nebyla. Dnešní hodina byla věnována
básním. Každý si měl s sebou nějakou přinést, sdílet s ostatními a
diskutovat o ní. Znělo to jednoduše, ale když jsme slyšela, jak recitovali a
hlavně rozebírali básně Bobo, Ewa a
Gianni, zjistila jsem, jak jsem byla
Zde jsou některé básně, o kterých jsme, respektive ostatní,
The Traveling Wind
I feel a breeze
of wind
It is as soft as a baby
It travels along the land
It comforts the grass that beetles, ants, and
grasshoppers make their way through
Ants continue to make their home that is only but dirt
to humans
Dirt to ants is a brick to build a home
The breeze of wind continues to travel
The black and orange bird looks for food
It chirps around
It pecks in the grass
The bird finally travels away along with the wind
All is quiet but the crying of the leaves that are
sticking out of the ground
Their hands, which are thorns, are reaching out to be
The traveling wind goes and comforts them
Th wind travels elsewhere
Pamela MoteThe Travelling
Wind-Panela Mote
V závěru hodiny svou báseň představila EPax:
by Bay
What is it
that we love, when we love an avatar?
Why is one star brighter than any other star?
What sets our heart aflutter when that one comes online,
And keeps us by the keyboard, waiting for a sign?
Why is one star brighter than any other star?
What sets our heart aflutter when that one comes online,
And keeps us by the keyboard, waiting for a sign?
It’s not the
skin or anims, or all the fancy clothes.
These are bought in stores, as everybody knows.
It’s not the mystery scrivener who sits behind the screen.
Him (or her?) we barely know; we’ve often never seen.
These are bought in stores, as everybody knows.
It’s not the mystery scrivener who sits behind the screen.
Him (or her?) we barely know; we’ve often never seen.
I think it is
the wordless soul, who beguiles as it dances,
Embodied in an avatar, whose mesmerizing glances,
Engulfs us in fond dreams this morning yet undreamed of,
Launching our small heart upon the boundless sea of love.
Embodied in an avatar, whose mesmerizing glances,
Engulfs us in fond dreams this morning yet undreamed of,
Launching our small heart upon the boundless sea of love.
They say that
eyes are windows that open on the soul,
That by gazing in the eyes, the inner lands behold;
Likewise, I think an avatar can be a sort of peephole,
Through which the heart can look, to spy upon the soul.
That by gazing in the eyes, the inner lands behold;
Likewise, I think an avatar can be a sort of peephole,
Through which the heart can look, to spy upon the soul.
Bylo to velmi zajímavé. Příští hodinu se bude číst kniha:
Number the stars od Luise Lowri.
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