14. 5. 2013

How to be happy?

Lekce angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
Lekce psaní na zadané téma
Učitelka: Iffaf Ling z Británie
Studenti: Dork, Vendy, Mikki, Chris, Leena, Tomo (Evropa, Amerika)

Lektorka nejdříve každému z nás položila otázku, zda-li je „fitness fanatic“ přestože odpovědi byly velmi různorodé, měli jsme za úkol napsat tipy, jak se držet ve formě:

As a warm up
-          a few sentences
-           tips on how to keep fit

„If you want to be fit like a man from the poster in the fitness center, you should go out every day – on your foot of course. Whether is the weather really bad, you can use exercise bike in your living room and you can watch your favourite film at the same time. If you prefer to have a strong a small abdomen, you should try special exercises for your abdomen, for example sit-ups or exercises for your strong back. If you are not keen on neither walking or fitness, you can try aerobic in the swimming pool. Of course there are a lot of other method for you. I believe you must chose at least one of them.“ 

-          On foot
-          If the weather

Další úkol se zaměřoval na obdobné téma: Tips on how to be happy.

„How to be happy? I feel that a lot of people do not know the answer their whole life. So many people I know are unhappy everywhere and whenever. Why? Because they are not satisfied with their person. If you want to be happy, you must love yourself, your body, your voice, your hair or your positive behaviour. That is recipe for your happy life. Then you can try to find out your gifts from the nature and I believe that you will be happy all your life.“

-          they are not satisfied with who they are
-          natural abilities

Následující úkol se trochu odlišoval od těch předchozích, protože jsme měli napsat novinový článek, přičemž jsme znali pouze jeho titulek a každý z nás měl úplně odlišný název titulku:

-          Scientists create life
-          Japnese food cluture
-          Government put vitamins in water supply
-          Aids vaccine too expensive

Scientists create life

Have you ever heard about new pills against the unbearable headache or about the new method of preserved the food? All information you can read in the magazines, internet are very interesting, but are they truthful? Almost everybody think yes, they are. But scientist are people like other and they want to be famous and they would like to make up some new. They try it day by day, minute by minute and there are so much their information in the mass media. But they are true? Just think about the articles in the newspaper, they manipulate with you every reading, every open your internet. Scientists stuff to your head all information that they want.

This related with the lately pretty scary story. There was a man who has read the article about new pills for loosing weight wanted to try this new pills immedietly after reading the new scientists discovery take one pill every hour and he believe it is really good. Because he had to drink a liter water after every pills, of course he lost his weight. He believed that scientist are pretty good guys and he did not realise that it was not speacial. When scientist tell us it is really good we do everythink.

Lekce probíhala skvěle jako vždy a byla jsem potěšena tím, kolik jsme toho stihli za jednu hodinu napsat.



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