27. 5. 2013

Money talks

Lekce angličtiny ve virtuálním prostředí Languagelab
Lekce psaní na zadané téma
Učitelka: Iffaf Ling z Británie
Studenti: Juan, Addar, Vendy (Evropa, Amerika)
Tématem dnešní lekce psaní se staly peníze. První otázka se ptala, zda-li by mohl existovat svět bez peněz (před samotným psaním jsem si musela uvědomit, ze pokud píšeme o „money“, užíváme jednotné číslo = „money is“.

Money – money talks

„Money is a big problem around the whole world. Everybody needs money for their life, food, accomodation or entertainment. Money is very important thing but when I think about it, could people be happy without money or not? I believe that in the past the question could be „yes“ but nowadays is situation a little different, because everything costs money. So I believe that society without money would be nicer and happier. People are depressed because of money everyday and every night and they are not equal. Society where people would not be after this money-pressure would be without a lot of criminality or simply withnout envious people.“ 

„A society where people would not be chasing money, facing the pressures of money. Work with out money should be a good challenge, simultaneosly could be help us in order to change some paradigmas. Everyone know that nowdays the money built up ours decisions…“

Po dokončení prvního úkolu následovala další otázka k zamyšlení a především sepsání krátkého textu: „Do you think poor countries should be required to pay their debts to rich countries?“

 „It is a really good question but firstly we have to know which countrie are poor. Countries where people work really hard but their conditions are so bad that they stay still poor, or countries where people are very lazy and they do not make a lot of activities like people from the rich country. This is the first question, but the answer not answer. Who should make the decision about it? One state is really poor but people do not have to do nothing, they are free, they can go to bed when they want. People from a rich country have a lot of responsibility, they are at work a whole days, they are really tired every evening. Finally, I am persuade that I can not answer the question because I do not almost nothing about this problem, I only know some distorted facts from TV from my country.“

Další otázka byla velmi zajímavá, protože nám dala informaci o tom, že tři nejbohatší muži na světě mají více peněz než šedesát nejchudších zemí světa, jak se k tomu tedy postavit?

„The world's 3 richest men have more money between them than the poorest 60 countries. Should there be a redistribution? How?“

„I have never realized this fact before, that people in some countries need money for food and accomodation, while some three men have a lot of cars, vilas from gold and pavement in front the house from coins. Their houses are like a palaces. Do they need it for their life? They are the same kind of person like other in the poor countries. These men had only the luck in their life. So I think, it is really unfair that they have money which are useless for them, because they have food and al things for their life.  They should give all money which they are not need to the poor countries, it would be fair.“

Lekce tohoto typu uběhne vždy velmi rychle, ale přesto jsem ráda, že jsem ji navštívila a opět i procvičila psaní v anglickém jazyce a byla mi i poskytnuta kvalitní zpětná vazba.


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